Monday, October 23, 2006

Libertarian-Democrat? Why not? Why should only republicans screw libertarian hopes after the elections?
Republicans are convinced that war is the way to peace. Democrats are convinced that Welfare is the way to welfare. So why shouldn’t libertarians be just as stupid and think that voting is the way to liberation?
When you spent as much time on this Earth as I, you need something to keep you from dying of boredom. Since the advent of democracy it seems that I have found just what I was looking for: politics. You know, back in the old days, with kings and all, it was quite boring. There was one autocrat or other doing the same things all over again without much buzz. But now you have the spectacle of democracy in action to which nothing comes even close. “Panem et circens” – “Bread and Circus”, was the crowd’s request in ancient Rome. They did not live to see modern day politics. So forget my passion about the subject, even if the U. S. is not my country. Also, I happen to have a selfish interest in the issue.
It is quite clear that the recent brouhaha over the libertarians as swing voters that could deliver the house and the senate to the Democrats has nothing to do with the worth of the Donkey. It is simply a revolt against the GOP and nothing more. Let’s recapitulate: you have a party that taxes the shit out of you to go around the globe and pick a fight with anyone over seas, and there is a party that taxes the shit out of you to finance its social engineering programs at home. And you vote for one in order to escape the other. How do politicians manage to do this with libertarians? How comes that after a disastrous Republican legacy libertarian voices put their mouth where the(ir) ass is and call for supporting the democrats. But that is the problem of American libertarians.
Having said that, I would like to rally to those voices myself. Out of selfish interest, of course. As a non-American I find it more convenient to see a Democrat administration in the future and a democratic takeover of the legislature now. Instead of seeing interventions by the American government all over the globe, I prefer it to concentrate more on terrorize its own subjects then the rest of the world. Better them then us.
You may think that I am oversimplifying things and this may be true. To take in consideration only the foreign policy of the GOP and the internal policies of the Donkey is unfair to both. The GOP is not only about “Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show we mean business.” as the National Review put it. With the rise of the influence of the religious right in the party it seems that the self-righteous P.C. liberals of the left may have found their mach in trampling the civil liberties of Americans. In the same time, the clintonite legacy on foreign policy has a place for solutions like bombing other countries into freedom and democracy. But in order to make a point you have to simplify a bit, you see, and I think that by and large that’s how things are currently on the U. S. political scene.
So if you are an American libertarian thinking of voting the Donkey, by all means do that. I would be very thankful.

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