Sunday, October 29, 2006

Diversity hits the ladies’ room

The Italian Parliament’s ladies’ room, to be more precise. Here is the story:
Italian MP Elisabetta Gardini, of Berlusconi’s party, had the unpleasant surprise of finding a man in the ladies’ restroom the other day. She reacted as, I suppose, every old fashioned woman would. She told him to hit the road. Ok, why is this news? Well, the “man” in question is non other than Vladimir Luxuria (foto), a transgenderd communist MP. Poor Luxuria was dismayed and shocked of such reactionary…uhm, reaction. He (I’m saying he, because he still has his manliness intact, avoiding to this date the surgeon’s revision of Mother Nature’s mistake) had an answer for the occasion: “I go to the bathroom of the sex that I feel to belong to.” (Io vado nei bagni del sesso del quale mi sento.)
If I am not mistaken, this basically means that as long as you feel like something, you are entitled to everything that goes with it. To give you an example: if you are a yuppie city dweller from Frisco and you want to get some subsidies for not breeding sheep (or what is that you’re subsidized not to breed or grow, as a farmer, these days) it is enough to feel like being a farmer and really not growing sheep to claim government subsidies. Damn, I like this diversity thing!
Fausto Bertinotti, the head of Rifondazione Communista (Luxuria’s party) and of the House, is on top of the situation, as any real man should: “Mi dispiace che se ne debba discutere. Io penso che basterebbe fare ricorso ad una dote che non dovrebbe mancare, almeno in Parlamento, quella del rispetto della persona. Basterebbe della tolleranza”. In plain English: “I am sorry that we have to discuss this. I think it would be enough to resort to a trait that should not be missing at least in Parliament: respect of the person. Some tolerance would be enough.” Presumably like that of some good old comrades like Ceausescu, Mao or Stalin (I always enjoy communists pontificating about tolerance and respect for the person. This gives an entirely new dimension to the concept of hypocrisy).
But the real reason why I was eager to share all this with the world is to bring the good news to young men all over the globe: no more peeping, no more sneaking around the ladies’ room. Henceforth you just put on a skirt and some make up, and if those Neanderthal, heterosexual, individualist, privacy-freak, insensitive and uncaring women will invite you out, you just have to feel like being a woman. And that will entitle you to remain. Good luck!

Story from Corriere della Sera:

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