Thursday, October 26, 2006

Defending women from being raped - Muslim style

In case you did not know, if a woman doesn’t stay at home or doesn’t wear the Islamic veil she is to blame for being raped. "The uncovered meat is the problem. If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred." Says Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilali, the Mufti of Australia. So, in order to not tempt the brave and righteous mosque frequenting men of this world, women are grounded. His Sheikness came with a timely reminder that you don’t necessarily have to be a leftist hypocrite in order to be self-righteous thug. Yes, yes. I’m afraid it is so, my friends, as much as the example of the noamchomskies, michaelmoores, alfrankens of this world is trying to convince us to the contrary.
I liked particularly the part in which His Muftiness informed the public later on the he was defending the honor of women by his remarks. Well, how about just abstaining to rape the women you think they “deserve it”? How about that as “defending the honor of women”? How about taking responsibility for our actions and not watching over those of other all the time? Can’t have that, of course. That is the way of the decadent, individualistic West. We are to unite in a common effort to put women back in their rooms, homes and burkas where only their father, brothers or husband can rape them. That way justice will be done, and we can all be proud of a job well done in the service of morality.
With this kind of high moral standards and moral superiority is it a surprise that Europe is witnessing a "gang rape epidemic"? But since this is the work of young Muslim immigrants the press keeps its mouth shut.
Have a nice day.
P.S. Yes, that is one of the danish cartoons.

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